testemonies and thoughts

OK, so yes I  was excited that I, did get a callback for acting modeling and singing but, AMTC turned out to be different from what it seemed. So I don't think  I'm going to do it, but the experience was nice and exciting.And I'm definitely not giving up.But please pray for GOD  to show me the way he wants me to go. I will also be having more of my singing put up also so you can get a feel for my true voice.


What fruit are you ?Are you a raspberry,an almost pink,super juicy chewy soft pink raspberry?
Are you a strawberry a red mediumly soft sweet strawberry?No matter what fruit you are we all came from one basket we are gods children,no matter how old but different like an Apple to an orange or a a rasberry to a blueberry..


So I  went to AMTC  audition today.I  was really cool I was number 349. I was really excited and nervous but whats really cool is that AMTC  used to be a regular fame business but, then the owner who sorry I forget her name but.........  she became a Christian so then the whole AMTC  business changed to a christian program.I am supposed to get my call tomorrow of whether  I made it.If I  do make it  and  go to the next level I  need 500  dollars and of course I  really cant afford that, but I'm going to keep the faith and if  GOD wants me to do this  ill find a way to make it work.

Courage is a noble thing.It is the  quality of mind and  spirit that enables you  to face difficulty, danger,and  pain without fear; it is also related to bravery.But there is also arrogance witch is 

having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance and ability,You tend to be overbearingly proud to the point that you rain yourself higher than others.Witch is not right.I know the stories from my father and his knowledge and experience of being a bodybuilder.He told me that arrogance was so thick in those competitions that it was very ......different from most  competitions .They are like huge guys who swear that there better than you and before my dad came to god he delt with the same problems....though it seems you could never win courage will always rise and arrogance will fade.

Hey,guys I'm really excited.I might be registering for this christian talent program,for singing modeling,acting and dancing.I plan to sing,I don't know for sure if I'm doing it but i hope I do.I hope I have your support and wish me luck you can get info for it at AMTC.COM......I love to sing and as you can probably see my singing on the video i put up,there should also be more coming.i want to be a famous christian singer one day and i hope YouTube will help a little.....


I was sitting in church this past Sunday and my pastor was talking about judgement day.He was saying that when his turn came   he wants to look back one last time and be able to say he had a good fight.He wants to be able to say that he did everything He could to bring people to god.It made me think about myself and what I do to help people come to god.I also thought that  when my turn comes if i will be able to say that  yes, I had a good fight or no i wasted my chance . I really want to work on that  so when  my day does come I can smile and say yes I had a good fight.


You no how most movies, were the kids say they have special  powers or they have  gigantic robot friends that have a leader named octomas prime.And then as always  the grown ups  say that you need to get your Head out of the clouds and see reality.Well yes you should not live your life obsessing about unnatural things. But personally I love to daydream and write stories about me having powers and having all kinds of really cool missions ,like saving the world or ,like Ang in the show  avatar, being one with the night like the daughters of the moon books or having cool robots as guardians.I  love to fantasise about my life being like a fantasy game or movie,  I often wish I was.But the closest I realized I could get is to be a ninja witch also sounds pretty dorky but......    ninjas are really cool superhero like people who are real and don't need special; powers to fight people.I think normal is boring i prefer weird and totally not normal at all..


I know I speak for most people when I say little siblings are a pain.Now if you don't have a little brother or sister you probably do have a little cousin or other relative that is similar to a sibling.My little sister Alianna is a pain but I  don't regret having her for a sister, although at times my cousin Alyssa and I  think we do.I would never trade my sister because well, she is my sister.But I remember when she was born, when i was   only five I kept complaining about how I wanted her to get bigger so she could walk and do stuff but now that she can I regret those words.I  do agree with the  saying that we having little brothers and sisters because we are being tested with patience .But over all i do love her and because I'm stuck with her for the rest of my childhood so  I  might as well get used to it.


My dad is a high rank bodybuilder witch means my life is not the same as other family's. It has its ups and downs, though when my dad comes  outside with me and my Friends it gets pretty cool. Like  this one time my friend Dashawn  was riding his bike around, so my dad decided to  pick  Dashawn  up while he was on his bike and then went to get   his skate board. So he rode around the block twice with Dashawn  and his bike. The down side witch truly isn't that bad is when my dad is dieting. Witch means we all are, witch also means  a lot of chicken breast.It's like having a super dad he can do really cool things.I can only describe him as awesome.I have only ever bin to one of his competitions it was really fun.My dad isn't just a bodybuilder he is also a personal trainer.my dad was one of the best bodybuilders in the world, he was unbeatable my whole family is proud of him if you'd like to find out more he has his own blog to just type muscle geek at blog spot.com he'd love to have you .But wait the awesome doesn't stop there he is also a graphic designer so check him out i hope you enjoy it and if you ever need a pic to be touched up contact him or email me thank you

Who are you, what are  your dreams and hopes?. What do you love, what do you hate?.
Who knows you like no one else?What do you pray for at night, whats your dream.? Do you even  now?.We humans always are bending and changing, not sure of what we want to do or were we hope to go one day.For example I absolutely love to write but I don't want to be a writer. I love to sing but I'm not sure that's what I want to do. I think I  want to be an FBI agent, but who knows. In another year that will change. I think you should always follow your dreams but, one good thing about dreaming is if you fail or don't want that dream anymore you just get back up and try again. You get a new dream and you follow that one. Just do what you love and follow your dreams, but word of advice don't go to far were you could put someone in danger or hurt yourself.


when you go to school as a girl it is all drama, drama, drama, it is pretty hard to avoid it but there are ways .So of course there are the geeks then losers then the weirdos then the blenders, who just blend in but way at the top or so they think are the princesses and princes and kings and queens. Were do you fall and do you no why? To be a princess you have to have perfect hair, the newest lip gloss, the hottest shoes and a killer outfit and BLAH BLAH BLAH.. You have to do what everybody else does and be who they want you to be but don't we have a choice? Most say no but I say yes I fall into a hidden category called the originals. I am my own person I do my own things. I dress how I want and most people like me. But please don't mistake me for a princess .I am good with style and have lots of friends I'm what you'd call a a pop. I think being popular isn't about what you look like, I think it is about how many people like you for you and because your kind and caring and most of all your your personality that's what makes you who you are. So don't let some dumb girl or boy who thinks there all that, try to change you because YOU are YOU and there not worth your time. DON'T BLEND IN BE THE ONLY WHITE FLOWER IN THE FIELD OF WEEDS


How do you see the world do you see a floating rock, do you see an opportunity, do you see a beautiful world I mean ya sure its messed up in some places it  is torn apart but mostly because of humans. We often destroy what we can't understand. I don't understand math, yes  there are times when I wish I could destroy it but I can't. Math is everywhere  for example say aliens were real somehow and they came to earth and wiped us all out because they don't understand our emotions or how we work and how we  build things so they destroy us.Is that what we want, I mean were definitely not perfect, we will never understand everything but we don't have to destroy it, that's just reckless behavior.

so next time your in that situation just think what don't you understand and are you going to destroy it.Its amazing to imagine something unnatural like fairies or actual superheroes.next time you look at the world look with new eyes.