Friday, August 19, 2011


I totally agree I mean come on she is cat woman you gotta have the ears.

thrift store love

Ok ,today I want to recognize the beloved thrift store.Yes I  know its used clothing and all but come on do not judge .One day I  came home from school in 2009 and my moms all like "Hey were going to a thrift store" and of course I'm like what eeeewww there's  used clothes and all.But I had to go so I went and  its  2011 and I still go .Matter of fact  I  just got back and I got all new school clothes and of course I was thinking of you guys so  my cousin Alyssa and I took some pictures.HOPE YOU LIKE

Sunday, August 7, 2011


OK, so yes I  was excited that I, did get a callback for acting modeling and singing but, AMTC turned out to be different from what it seemed. So I don't think  I'm going to do it, but the experience was nice and exciting.And I'm definitely not giving up.But please pray for GOD  to show me the way he wants me to go. I will also be having more of my singing put up also so you can get a feel for my true voice.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


So I  went to AMTC  audition today.I  was really cool I was number 349. I was really excited and nervous but whats really cool is that AMTC  used to be a regular fame business but, then the owner who sorry I forget her name but.........  she became a Christian so then the whole AMTC  business changed to a christian program.I am supposed to get my call tomorrow of whether  I made it.If I  do make it  and  go to the next level I  need 500  dollars and of course I  really cant afford that, but I'm going to keep the faith and if  GOD wants me to do this  ill find a way to make it work.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

lets talk netflix

OK so I'm assumining you all no what Netflix is its a website for movies and shows and stuff and if you get it you have to pay 7.99 a month.Most of the time its great  but there IS  also this thing called DVD only that's WERE IT GETS  ANNOYING.But they have some good stuff like the secretariat and  step up 3 or even skyline .So Netflix really is cool, its just allot of stuff is DVD only, but they do update everything every once in a while.